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轉移Android WhatsApp記錄到iOS iPhone教學|Android WhatsApp to iOS iPhone tutorial

簡介 由 Android 手機電話 (Samsung, LG, Sony, HTC等) 轉用 iOS (iPhone) 想保留 WhatsApp 的對話紀錄和多媒體(相片、影片等) 找遍Google也找不到透過Backuptrans Android WhatsApp to iPhone Transfer軟件以外的方法 唯有就購買和使用 Backuptrans 轉移WhatsApp紀錄吧 以下為Mac Family Edition版本示範,Windows版本或其他Edition的操作也是大同小異。 示範 首先下載 Backuptrans Android WhatsApp to iPhone Transfer 軟件(不同Edition都是使用相同軟件,只是購買的License不同) Windows: Backuptrans Android WhatsApp to iPhone Transfer Mac: Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer for Mac 購買License Key,Personal Edition可供3部電話使用,另有供8部電話使用的Family Edition和全年無限使用的Business Edition,詳見文末 (注意:看清楚自己下載及購買的是Windows還是Mac的版本,兩者不互通而且價錢是不同的) Windows: Backuptrans Android WhatsApp to iPhone Transfer (Personal Edition) USD$19.95 (約155HKD) Mac: Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer for Mac(Personal Edition) USD$24.95 (約194HKD) 啟用Android USB偵錯(USB debugging) 設定(Settings)>開發人員選項(Developer Options)>USB偵錯(USB debugging)打Tick 找不到開發人員選項(Developer Options)?請按以下步驟開啟: 設定(Settings)>關於(About)>(軟件資訊(Software information)>更多(More)>...

Dropbox 創辦人 MIT 畢業典禮演說:最大的風險不是失敗,而是過得太安逸了 / Dropbox 創辦人 MIT 畢業典禮演說 Drew Houston's Commencement address 2013 (中英對照)

關於講者 安德魯·休斯頓 (Andrew W. Houston) - 1983年3月4日 安德魯·休斯頓暱稱為德魯·休斯頓(Drew Houston),生於美國麻塞諸塞州艾統(Acton),網路企業家,為Dropbox的共同創辦人之一。在麻省理工學院取得計算機科學學士學位。在麻省理工學院就讀時,為了避免從隨身碟讀取檔案的不方便,寫作了程式,可以從網路下載檔案,成為Dropbox的前身。 演講影片 原文講稿及中文翻譯 Thank you Chairman Reed, and congratulations to all of you in the class of 2013. I'm so happy to be back at MIT, and it's an honor to be here with you today. I still wear my Brass Rat, and turning this ring around on graduation day is still one of the proudest moments of my life. There are a lot of reasons why this is a special day, but the reason I'm so excited for all of you is that today is the first day of your life where you no longer need to check boxes. For your first couple decades, success in life has meant jumping through one hoop after another: get these test scores, get into this college. Take these classes, get this degree. Get into this prestigious institution so you can get into the next prestigious institution. All of that ends today. T...