
Research methodology sample can be useful to guide the selection of a suitable methodology

Research methodology sample is important when the students have to select a methodology for their research when writing a thesis or a research paper. But, students face the dilemma of where to find the good methodologies for samples. Research methodology has to be chosen very carefully after deciding on a topic and formulating a set of viable and valid research questions. Some types of research questions and research objectives require qualitative data while others require quantitative data. If the research aims at collection of primary data, the methodology must include setting up of laboratory experiments and conducting interviews etc.

Different Types of Research

Selecting the right type of research depends on the research problem. If only a little information on the topic being studied is available, and knowledge on the topic is minimal, then the qualitative data on the topic or the subject is a lot more important than quantitative data. Qualitative data helps to be explorative and classify, categorize or define a phenomena being studied. The suitable methods are observation and interviews. If information and knowledge is available on the subject quantitative data is good for proving a hypothesis or supporting a thesis as stated in the thesis statement. Surveys, questionnaires or laboratory experiments are suitable for collecting quantitative data that can be used in conformatory studies using statistical analysis.

Research Design

Research methodology sample can be used fruitfully when the students design their research. Design of the research has to be done after a careful study of the thesis, hypothesis or the research problem and the type of data needed for supporting the thesis, proving the hypothesis or finding a solution to the research problem. There are many parts involved in the design of the research, depending on the type of research.
• Sampling methods
• Type of data to be collected
• Methods for data collection
• Designing of data collection tools as questionnaires or lab test apparatus
• Methods for data presentation
• Methods for data analysis and interpretation

Selection of Tools for Data Analysis

After the collection of data, it is necessary to analyze the data to draw conclusions. In the scientific experiments, methodologies for data analysis can involve complex calculations and writing sophisticated computer programs. But in analyzing data in a survey conducted for a social science research data analysis may involve use of readily available statistical software. Selection of the appropriate methods has to be done at the proposal stage. Thesis committee will approve the thesis proposal only after satisfying themselves on the soundness of thesis, workability of thesis plan, structure of the thesis outline and the demonstrated plan which indicates the capability of the student to complete the research study.

How Custom Thesis Help Students to Learn about Research Methodology

Writing a thesis or a dissertation for a higher degree is a tedious and time consuming task. Many smart students face this challenge by getting help from reputed thesis writing companies. If the student cannot find a good research methodology sample or face difficulties in the task at any point of the thesis, they can buy thesis. Buying a custom thesis means that student can get advice, get help for the interviews, get the questionnaires designed etc. Above all, the good thesis writing companies such as Thesistown.com will help deciding on the appropriate research methodologies too apart from writing the whole thesis for the student.

original article: http://thesistown.com/writing/basics/research-methodology-sample/




按Ctrl+A(全選本頁內容)就能看到答案! 第一題:懦弱的男人 男人和女人坐皮艇在海上時,遭遇了鯊魚,在鯊魚離他們只有10米遠的時候,男人著急的將女人推進了海裡,並抽出匕首指著女人,說道,我們只能活一個!隨即男人迅速划船逃離.女人很失望,對於這個懦弱自私的男人,她沒有責怪他什麼,只怪自己瞎了眼看上他...... 女人在默默的等待死亡, 五米,四米.. ....鯊魚速度很快,女人閉上了眼睛,忽然鯊魚繞過了她,沖向皮艇,將男人拖下水,瘋狂的撕咬男人,很快男人便屍骨無存. 後來女人被路過的商船救了下來,女人發現船長望著海水在哭泣.女人問他哭什麼?船長說出了原因,女人聽後傷心欲絕,跳進海裡自殺了.船長說了什麼? 1,船長說:我看見那個男人用小刀劃破了手腕,他邊劃邊讓血流入海裡吸引鯊魚,所以鯊魚繞過你,去追尋血腥味,你才因此活下來.他是那樣的愛你啊! 第二題:迷路的男孩 有個男人開車去機場趕班機,在到了一個三岔口時,看見一個男孩蹲在地上哭泣.男人下車詢問男孩為什麼哭,男孩說他迷路了.於是男人帶著小男孩朝他描述的大致方向找去,在開了很久的車之後,男孩說看見了自己的家,便跳下車.這時,男人發現自己已經誤了班機的起飛時間.男人在車裡沮喪起來,突然又嚇的直冒汗,然後又欣慰的笑了.是什麼事造成男人這樣的情感變化? 2, 男人10年前將一個出車禍的小男孩送進的醫院,10年後又看到這個小男孩,但一時沒有想起.忽然車裡的廣播傳來飛機失事的消息,男人因此嚇的冒汗.欣慰的笑了是因為他知道是小男孩的靈魂在感恩. 第三題:地下酒吧的秘密 在地下五層的酒吧中,一個年輕的小伙子坐在吧台邊的椅子上焦急的等待.他的眼睛一動不動的注視著天花板上鐘錶上的時間.突然他像發了狂一樣拿出手機,看了一眼,接著將手機狠狠的扔在地上,然後哭著大喊:救命!......他一系列行為的原因是什麼? 3, 男人在酒吧等待女友,當他看到天花板上的電子鐘時,他發現上面顯示的時間是在倒記時!他記起酒吧里根本沒有鐘.所以那是一個定時BoB!!!,且馬上就要爆炸了.男人不想女友出事,便拿手機讓她別來了.可在地下5層裡沒有信號,因此男人在最後5秒時崩潰了,大喊救命並逃跑. 第四題:只有公主逃走了! 王子帶著公主逃出了鬼堡,到出口處時,魔鬼出現了,魔鬼說:“白色代表天使,與惡魔對立,所以穿白色連衣裙的公主不...

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我的其中一個人生座右銘是「女子無才便是德」,因此卻引來很多朋友對小女子的誤解。 誤會我沒有關係…但誤會了古人就不太好了,所以在這邊分享一下這句話的出處和真實含意。 女子「無」才便是德 這句「女子無才便是德」總是讓女權運動者恨得牙癢癢的,他們以為這句話是大男人用來貶損女性的!然而事實非但不是這樣,而且完全相反!中華兒女們對這句話的誤會可大了!這話又怎麼說呢? 上一回我到深圳上禪修課,課後有一個女同學雙手交叉在胸前問我:「張老師您這麼樣的捧古人,那我請問您,古人說“女子無才便是德”,請您解釋看看,為何古人這麼歧視我們女性?憑什麼做聖賢啊?」 我說:「你講的好,大家都有這樣的誤解,不過在解釋之前我想先請問你,這句話的上聯是什麼?」她被我問得楞了一下,然後說:「嘿!有嗎?有上聯 嗎?」下面的同學鴉雀無聲,接著有個同學說:上聯是「唯女子與小人為難養也」!我說:「這是另外一個大家都誤會的問題,我用別的篇幅再來解釋,不過這句話 卻不是「女子無才便是德」的上聯,因為一句七個字,一句十個字,字數不一樣,怎麼當上聯!」 這會兒大家面面相覷,都被我問傻了,我接著說:「本來這句話的上聯是“男子有德便是才”,而下聯才是“女子無才便是德”!」第一句:「男子有德便是 才」!這話是希望一個有為的男人,要以德行為主,以才幹為輔的意思。為什麼要以德行為主呢?看看現今社會這麼亂,詐騙這麼多,網路上什麼希奇古怪傷天害理 的事都有,這就是有了才幹卻缺乏德行的後果,總之,這句話是告誡每個男子要以德行為主的意思,而非叫男人不要重視才幹。 而下聯「女子無才便是德」又是什麼意思呢?依然是勸女子要以德行為主的意思,而非貶辱女人不能有才幹。這整個誤會是因為錯解了「無才」的「無」字所造成的。這個「無」字是動詞,是「本有而無之」的意思,也就是”本來有才,但心裡卻自視若無”的意思。 舉個例子來說,就像古人說的「無物」不是世上真的沒有萬物,而是在萬物的圍繞中,內心不起一點罣礙的意思;「無我」不是真的沒有我,而是對於我的一切得失無掛於心的意思;「無念」也不是真的沒有念頭,而是沒有妄念,在念頭中依然自在的意思。 所以「無才」不是真的沒有才幹,而是“我雖然很有才幹,但一點也不自炫其才,依然自視若無”的意思。古代的女子 大門不出,二門不邁,卻擁有過人的才氣,還能自視若無,這不是非常高尚的德行嗎?這句話...